My trustworthy compatriots at
Chism Brothers Painting started the base painting over at my circus mural project in Point Loma today, and I am excited to move forward on that project.
I've finalized the full size samples.
I also updated the design sketch for "inside the big top" scene "revealed" in trompe l'oeil on central wall of the room after discussion with both the client and the designer.
At the same time, I've also just started on two other hospitality projects. The first is in downtown San Diego with my friend and comrade, Diane Roberts. I'm also doing some design & mural work for the new cafe around the corner from our new house here in Banker's Hill San Diego, so I am blessed with a bountiful early summer after a harsh winter.
I will be putting up new posts and pictures about all of this stuff and more (like the family photos here sometime, though you can always find me on Facebook and see what I
post there.
Finally, about the newsletter: in the scramble of moving, business shifting, new baby arriving, for the last year, there hasn't been a newsletter.
My apologies to everyone who signed up and expected something.
I do appreciate your interest and support and will start tying everything together now that I finally know what's coming next, and there's a lot of it, so stay with me as I get caught up and connect my new set of dots.