If you've looked at the
fine art pages of my
online portfolio, you may recall this piece, "Ocean Abstract #1".
Created from plasters, wax and other materials from arsenal as a
faux finish artist. I've developed a few other paintings out of this ideas of industrial, textural materials and the endless horizon-line division and interplay between ocean and sky.
One of these pieces was inspired by a fit of shop cleaning and recycling of unused materials at
The Frame Maker, San Diego's premier custom framer, where I am now the general manager. Faced with a bin full of old rippings and cutoffs from our custom molding and construction endeavors, I began to consider all the different surfaces, grains and sizes of maple, ash, pine and basswood assembled there, and how differently they would take color, varnish and polish.
The long strips spoke "horizon" to me, and the piece was under way, utilizing only waste materials from The Frame Maker, and leftover paints, varnishes and wax from my shop.
This seemed a logical choice to donate to the annual gala and fundraiser for the San Diego
Coastkeeper chapter this weekend, given their mission of removal of manmade debris and repair of manmade damage to our beaches and coasts.
Here are some progress pix of "Ocean Abstract#3".