Monday, August 18, 2008

Child's Desk: Circus Theme Room pt.2

Here is the first of several coming pictures of finished child's desk and cabinet for the children's circus theme room I've been working on this summer.

trompe l'oeil circus cabinet detail

My new gig at The Frame Maker has kept me burning the candle at all three ends while I finish this room along with work on my other major project of the year, Lucky D's, in San Diego's East Village two blocks from Petco Park. More pix soon....


Painter Mommy said...

Your work is gorgeous! I am an artist, muralist, faux finisher out of New York. I have been following your blog for a while. I love seeing the creative talent of other artists! You have a great attention for detail. Keep up the good work!!

I wanted to see if you would want to exchange links with me.

My main site is:

My blogs are:

Lisaray said... was created by experienced internet business owners, graphic artists, and creative, home artisans. For 5+ years, we have provided our clientele with quality printed wallpaper murals and custom murals as per their satisfaction.