Thursday, April 09, 2009

Face's Home

Face's Home
Originally uploaded by siemens.jessica
Anyone who follows my work knows how much I love a contextual photo, and so, why I'm so proud of Jessica for taking initiative to get this photo up on her Flickr page.

If you haven't read about this yet, I am very pleased to be mentoring Jessica in a new "Business of Art" program I helped create with Sandi Cottrell of Mission Federal ArtWalk.

Check out Jessica's lovely work on Flickr (for now) and keep in mind she's been painting for just two years--

If you consider I've been painting for more than 20 years, you'll get why I'm so impressed with her work so far and also why I'm honored to work with her on her business as an artist, because she clearly has the potential to create truly spectacular work when she hits full stride.

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