Friday, April 03, 2009

Little Italy Chalk/Paint Trompe L'oeil: The (almost) Final Chapter

If anyone reading this recalls my first series of blog posts ever back in 2006, they're probably going to think "WTF? That isn't done yet?" when they see these pictures.

Yes, its finally done and I can prove it with pictures of the Little Italy crew carrying my three panels of Michelangelo out to the their truck two and a half years after I started them.

Rather than tell the whole long story right now, I'm just going to post afew detail pictures of the final product that no one will be able to see when its finally installed in Little Italy; its supposed to hang outdoors, four stories over India Street at Beech, so when I can get those pictures up, I''l finish the tale.

For now its a beautiful day in San Diego and this project is complete!

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